Acoustics is a multidisciplinary field at the borders between Mechanics, Signal Processing, Cognitive Sciences and Biology.
Typical jobs for the graduates of this curriculum are R&D engineer-positions in companies or research centers and PhDs in Acoustics.
The main fields of application are the transportation industry (ground, air and maritime transportation), energy production and transformation, urbanism and architecture, communication, and imaging in geosciences, structural monitoring and biology.
Offers of PhD thesis in 2019:
The most recent offers are shown first:
- ENES-LMFA (Université de Lyon/St Etienne): “Analyse des contraintes de propagation sur les réseaux de communication acoustique chez les galliformes de montagne” (Proposition_These_Celya_ENES_LMFA – June 2019)
- Université de Lille : “Intensification des phénomènes de transfert via l’utilisation d’ultrasons au sein d’un échangeur-réacteur continu” (Thèse_Intensification ER ultrasonore – May 2019)
- PSA-LVA: “Caractérisation objective de la scène sonore en véhicule” (cifre_PSA – posted in April 2019)
- Airbus Helicopters-LVA: “Développement de méthodes de fusion, modélisation et classification des indicateurs vibratoires de surveillance” (cifre_airbus – posted in April 2019)
- IMSIA – ENSTA ParisTech: “Caractérisation des phénomènes de modulation d’amplitude du bruit des éoliennes” (These_PIBE_IMSIA – posted in March 2019)
- LTDS/LVA/LGCB – Université de Lyon: “Etude vibroacoustique et psychoacoustique de la conception des structures sandwich : évaluation des effets méso-structuraux.” (Thèse_LTDS_LVA_LGCB_UnivLyon – posted in March 2019)
- CEA (Cadarache): “Ultrasonic characterization of the velocity field in a liquid flow with microbubbles” (Sujet_Thèse_Acoustique_Echo-PIV Microbulles_CEA_Cadarache – posted in March 2019)
- Institut P’ (Poitiers): “Wake modelling for aeroacoustic design” (Fiche_Sujet_2019_Margnat_Jordan_final_Images – posted in February 2019)
Job offers in 2019:
The most recent offers are shown first:
- The Alstom Headquarters, based in Saint-Ouen near Paris, is looking for a Vibroacoustic Engineer to join the team (Alstom-Vibroacoustic Engineer – posted in March 2019)